Special Offer ... 

Biblical Studies

Earn A "Certificate of Biblical Studies" 
A minimum 90 day study commitment
College Level Bible Study Courses

What You'll Study ... 

Your Course Includes The Following ...

  • The Importance of the Inspired Scriptures
  • The Bible and the Christian Life: Basic
  • The Bible and the Christian Life: Advanced
  • Insights into the Gospels (An in-depth study of "The Gospels" and each Gospel - - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
  • Over 11 Hours of Video Instruction by Seminary Instructors
  • Student Course Exam Website

Each Course Includes ... 

  • Course Book - Contains All Study Texts, Lessons, Study Guides & Exam Prep
  • Supplemental Video Lessons - Taught by Various Seminary Instructors 
                                                     - - Over 11 Hours of Video Instruction
  • Course Exams - Online Exams ... Instantly Graded & Results Immediately Posted



Importance of the Inspired Scriptures - Course Book
"He Gave Us Scripture" - Video Parts 1 & 2

Both Revelation and Inspiration are necessary companions in God's disclosing of himself and his will, and at some places they simply coalesce into his gracious giving of his Word. 
While Revelation concerns the various ways God gives divine illumination whereby the prophets of old & God's people today know God and the things of God ...  
Inspiration is that divine agency God employed for recording his Word. 
Thus Inspiration's focal point is first of all the written text;  
Revelation's focal point is God disclosing information of  Himself and His purposes. 
By virtue of Inspiration by God ... Scripture is rightly known and respected as God's Revelation to and for people today, proclaiming the two great foundations upon which doctrine consists:  God's law and His Gospel. 



Acknowledges your commitment to achievement a greater knowledge and understanding of God's Word.
Not merely gathering more information from a book that some call holy ... but rather in developing your comprehension of what God says !
For the saints serious about living in a greater experience of "familyship" with God as Abba and about being a more able minister of Truth ... completing this Certificate Course will give you a greater and stronger foundation of faith upon which to stand and by which to live and more enabled to minister with greater effect.



The Bible & The Christian Life: Basic - Course Book
"He Gave Us Scripture" - Video Parts 3 & 4

ONE Joining together the BASIC elements of being a Disciple of Jesus Christ in concert in order to transition FROM merely possessing a group of abstract ideas, ideals and principles of "being a Christian", TO applying these elements in concert in order to begin spiritual living in every day real life.  

TWO:   Developing the ability to impart into the lives of other saints the ability to live in and according to genuine Truth in real-world living.



The Bible & The Christian Life: Advanced
"He Gave Us Scriptures" - Parts 7 & 8

ONE:  Adding the relational principles and directives of God's Word which connects us to others in God's family ... and in security against the secular world which pulls against our unity in Christ as His Body generally; in our social fellowship with other saints; and in our familyship as husband and wife - sons and daughters.
TWO:  Build strength into our "renewing minds" (Romans 12:1-2) to experience greater freedom from the pressures to be conformed to this world and experience greater freedom in being transformed into lives as God's sons and daughters by faith in Christ Jesus our Lord!



Insights into the Gospels - Course Book
"The Gospels" - 5 Part Video Series

Purpose ... 

This course illustrates how the Four Gospels reveal the Lord Jesus from four different angles, viewing Him in four different relationships, displaying Him as perfectly discharging the responsibilities of four different offices. 
It is impossible to read the Gospels intelligently, to understand their variations, to appreciate their details, or to get out of them what we ought, until the we learn exactly from which angle each separate Gospel is viewing Christ, for instance - which particular relationship Matthew or Mark shows Him to be discharging or which office Luke or John shows Him to be filling.

Course Objectives ... 

One:  You will gain new, fresh insights about the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that perhaps, you never have previously ... that way is "perspectively".  Each Gospel writer presents Christ in a different perspective; not competing but in concert revealing the Lord to be complete as Priest, Prophet, Lord and Savior.
TWO: To gain a deeper, more complete comprehension of the Lord Jesus Christ leading to entering into a fuller, richer personal fellowship with the Lord that is meaningful not just in worship but in every day, real world life!

Register Now

Eligibility ...

Eligibility Requirements for Students are:

  • Student Policies:​          Agree to follow the  General Policies & Requirements set forth in the Student Handbook - - Get A Copy HERE
  • Minimum Age:              Applicants must be over 18 years old
  • Education:                     Applicants must have a High School Diploma or Equivalent 
  • Worldview:                    Applicants must have at least a “moderate” Biblical Worldview – Free Assessment Here
  • Registration:                 Qualified students must register online – $75.00 registration fee 
  • Tuition:                           $330.00   

Registration Fee: 

All Inclusive Tuition:


Students successfully completing this Certificate Course, may enroll in one of the Bachelor Degree Programs with the True Hope Bible Institute with the following benefits not offered to others ... 

  • Registration Fee - -     WAIVED  -  Save $150.00    
  • Admissions Exam - -    WAIVED  -  Certificate Meets Entrance Exam Requirement
  • THMA Scholarship - -   GRANTED - 15% discount against Bachelor Degree Tuition
  • Full Course Credits - - APPLIED - 20 course credits towards Bachelor Degree !

Investments & Assets

Registration Fee:  $   75.00 
Course Tuition:       $330.00
Total Investment:  $405.00

Tuition Includes:

  • Full Digital Bible Study Library - -
    - - over 200 reference works
  • Everything Required -  -
    - - Textbooks, Study Guides, Exam Prep
  • Study Advisors - -
    - - Periodic Web Meetings For Reviews & Advice


  • Payment in Full -      Upon Registration Approval
  • Monthly Payments - 3, 5 or 8 Month Options*
                                        *Certificates Not Awarded Until Tuition Paid in Full
  • Pay Per Exam -         $82.50 As Exam Fees (4 Total) Rather Than Monthly Tuition Payments
Full Tuition 3 Monthly Pymts 5 Monthly Pymts 8 Monthly Pymts
$330.00 $110.00 per month $66.00 per month $41.25 per month

Biblical Studies Certificate Course

Registration Is A One Time Fee


After submitting your $75.00 Registration 
You Will Immediately Be Taken To The Registration Form
To Pay Your Registration Fee, Please Click On The "Pay Now" Button

All Payments Processed Through PayPal