You must complete the free Worldview Assessment in order for your registration to be processed.
All candidates for registration and enrollment MUST score at least 70% of your worldview as being Christian.
Failure to complete your worldview assessment or not meeting our requirements may lead to forfeiture of your registration fee so please, we encourage you to take the worldview assessment BEFORE you submit your registration fee or form.
To begin your enrollment process, select your degree program and submit your registration fee through the PayPal Service below.
Upon submitting your registration fee, you will be directed to the Student Registration Form.
This must be submitted as soon as possible to process your student registration to send your THBI Enrollment Package.
Thank you for selecting the True Hope Bible Institute to be your Bible College!
To Make Your Selections: Left Click In Each Menu Box For Selections - Click On Your Selections.
Please Include Your Name.
Click on "Pay Now" to submit.